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Experiment OKA

by portal administrator last modified May 3, 2006 at 12:31

Welcome to the central OKA portal!


The site is the central portal of experiment OKA established for investigations of rare Kaon decays. Being one of the particle physics experiments it helps to understand fundamental properties of matter the Universe consists of and to build a scientific picture of the World.


The experiment is placed in Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia) with U70 as accelerator and unites physicists from IHEP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) and Institute for Nuclear Research (Troitsk, Russia).

General Info

OKA proposal (sorry, in russian only).
OKA 3D view
OKA photos, cryogenics photos


OKA is the successor of experiment ISTRA-M on which they acquired about 109 triggers. The results of data processing being performed currently are here.

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